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Internationalisation and International Cooperation

IZB conducts research and development projects in the areas of international cooperation in education and study abroad programs. IZB creates opportunities for meaningful exchange, study abroad programs and international cooperation in education, contributing to professional reflection and quality education. Focus areas are North-South cooperation as well as study abroad programs.

Expanding perspectives

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Applying international perspectives and considering global dynamics are of great importance in education nowadays. IZB creates opportunities for meaningful exchange, study abroad programs and international cooperation in education, contributing to professional reflection and quality education. Focus areas are North-South cooperation as well as study abroad programs.

IZB conducts research and development projects in the aforementioned areas. The institute provides consultancy for education projects in international development cooperation and cooperates with different education institutions. IZB is dedicated to establishing partnerships with universities in the Global South and in countries of origin from migrant communities in Switzerland. Exchange and cooperation with these partner institutions provide manifold learning opportunities for incoming and outgoing students, be it in an internship in a local school or in a study abroad semester. Together with partner universities, IZB also engages in joint academic research.


  • Interactive Teaching and Learning in Early Childhood Education – Consultancy for the Roger Federer Foundation
  • Early Mathematics in Teacher Training Colleges in Afghanistan – Consultancy for GIZ
  • Learning through Mobility Programmes – Research project


Further informations

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Further Information

Institute for International Cooperation in Education IZB
PH Zug
Zugerbergstrasse 3
6300 Zug

