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Chicken farming

Chicken farming

General facts and information
In Switzerland, 1.5 billion eggs are consumed. The per capita consumption is 177 eggs per year. The domestic market share of Swiss egg producers is 61.1%.

Forms of entertainment
Already since 1991 caging has been banned in Switzerland. Hens live in generous Volières (1). More than 90% of the producers keep their hens particularly pet-friendly (2 winter gardens). Three quarter have already daily access to the pastures (free range) (3).

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In 24 hours to the finished egg
The most important part of the egg is already complete when ovulating. The yolk already grows on the ovary. In the fallopian tube, the egg white and later the shell skin is deposited. It takes time for the shell to pass, well over 20 hours, until the sophisticated packaging is ready. A hen creates about 320 eggs per year.


Further informations

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