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Mobility Programmes in Teacher Education

Benefits of Mobility Programes in Teacher Education

A Study on teaching-specific effects of mobility programmes in teacher education

Map with destinations for mobility studies.
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At universities of teacher education, exchange programmes are becoming increasingly popular among students. As a review of the available research literature shows, the most obvious individual effects of exchange programmes that can be identified are not teaching-specific. The question to what extent the participation in an exchange programme changes teaching-specific attitudes and mentalities, or even further corresponding competencies for teachers, is so far only partially explained empirically. These retrospective data have a limited validity in regard to the development of specific competencies during an exchange stay.

In this context, the study based on a methodically solid analysis shows to what extent students in teacher education profit from mobility programmes and which competencies, attitudes and mentalities are developed during an exchange stay.

The empirical basis of this study is provided by data from a longitudinal assessment with students from teacher education universities in Switzerland, with an experimental group (students participating in a mobility programme) and a control group (students studying at the home university for a similar period of time).

On this basis the research project was able to identify teacher-specific effects on exchange stays and the benefit of such exchange stays for the teaching profession.


Type Title
Leutwyler, B. & Meierhans, C. (2016). Effects of international student exchange on preservice teachers: A quasi-experimental study. Intercultural Education, 27 (2), 117-136.
Leutwyler, B. (2014). Between Myths and Facts: The Contribution of Exchange Experiences to the Professional Development of Teachers. Journal of Curriculum and Teaching, 3 (2), 106-117.
Leutwyler, B. & Meierhans, C. (2013). Exchange Students in Teacher Education. Empirical Evidence on Characteristics and Motive Structures. Educational Research, 4 (1), 1-11.
Meierhans, C. & Leutwyler B. (2012). Mobilitätserfahrungen angehender Lehrpersonen. Empirische Untersuchung zu Aktivitäten und Lern- (Erfahrungen) in Mobilitätsprogrammen der Lehrerinnen und Lehrerbildung. Forschungsbericht. Zug: Institut für internationale Zusammenarbeit in Bildungsfragen IZB der PHZ Zug. [Experiences in Mobility Programmes of students in Teacher Education. Empirical Analysis of Activities and [Learning] Experiences.] [Report in German]
Leutwyler B. & Meierhans, C. (2011). Mobilitätsaufenthalte in der Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung. Aktivitäten und Lernerfahrungen von Mobilitätsstudierenden. Beiträge zur Lehrerbildung 29(1), 100-108. [Mobility Programmes in Teacher Education. Activities and Learning Experiences of Mobility students.] [Publication in German]
Leutwyler, B. & Lottenbach, S. (2008). Der lehrerbildungsspezifische Nutzen von Mobilitätsprogrammen. Forschungsbericht. Zug: Institut für internationale Zusammenarbeit in Bildungsfragen der PHZ Zug. [Teacher-specific Benefits of Mobility Programmes. A research report.] [Report in German]
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Claudia Meierhans
Lecturer IZB
+41 41 727 12 88

